
Fighting Our Negative Emotions Does More Harm Than Good

When I’m overwhelmed, I often find myself telling anyone who’ll listen, “I’m so stressed. In fact, I’m stressed about being stressed.” Recognizing our emotions is typically a good thing, but when it comes to dealing with everyday negative emotions—like sadness, loneliness, and anxiety—that awareness can often lead to self-criticism (aka my “stress about stress” scenario).

Fighting Our Negative Emotions Does More Harm Than Good Read More »

???Dont want a contract? ???

We have a 6 week jump start program that will get you building habits towards health and wellness. **included** 4 personal training sessions Foundations seminar Gymnastics seminar Olympic weightlifting seminar 6 weeks of crossfit Nutritional therapist appointment Appointment with our Doctor MECHANICS CONSISTANCY INTENSITY HEALTH

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PURPOSFUL SUFFERING FROM JOE de SENA OWNER SPARTAN RACE INC   If you look at history, what separates the successful from unsuccessful is clear. Winners rise to the top because they have NO QUIT. There are examples in every business and every industry. Stephen King’s “Carrie” was rejected by 30 publishers. Joe Montana was once Notre


6 week challenge

Hi everyone! YouTube instructional is up! Click on going to the seminar! Cant go? Doesn’t matter! It will be LIVE on Facebook and ZOOM.   Watch the YouTube video for information Yall get dibs on the first tickets to the challenge! Use a laptop to sign up. Daily accountability with an app! Weigh ins

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New Year Special!

New Year Special! Did you fall off the wagon? It’s ok! Life happens! We are here to help! Welcome to 2019! Its time to reorient yourself to health and wellness! We are offering some exciting deals! I know you are busy so let’s get to the offer $50 ($175) for the month of January then

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