Athlete Spotlight!

Athlete of the Month Bio:

Name: Kristen Mock

Tell us a little bit about yourself (family, job, interests/hobbies, etc).

  • I am from Auburn, AL and I attended Troy University where I graduated with a degree in Communications and a minor in Public Relations. I am the oldest of 2 kids to Joey and Kim Mock. I currently work as the manager at Breakout in Mobile and absolutely love my job! I currently live with 3 girl friends from school in a house in Mobile. I have an amazing boyfriend named Brandon who I hope to marry one day soon! My hobbies are pretty much doing anything outside, playing sports, trying out different coffee shops, going to the beach, and playing with my dogs!! 

When did you start doing CrossFit?

  • I started in June of 2017 

What made you decide to start CrossFit?

  • I had always wanted to try it because I really enjoy working out and I knew that CrossFit was extremely challenging but at the same time looked really fun! 

How has CrossFit made an impact on your life outside of the gym?

  • When I am working out I automatically feel better about myself mentally and physically. I feel healthier and CrossFit has also helped me be more aware of the foods I eat. You can work out all the time but it also maters what your putting in your body. 

What is your favorite & least favorite WOD or movement?

  • My least favorite movement is ring dips..they are extremely hard. My favorite movement is anything with handstands. I love working on handstand pushups! 

What is your favorite & least favorite lift?

  • My favorite lift is probably cleans and my least favorite is snatches!

What are your CrossFit goals?

  • I would like to compete in a CrossFit completion and I would like to have pull-ups down by the end of October and a muscle up by the beginning of the new year! 

What is your proudest CrossFit moment/achievement?

  • When I cleaned 105 pounds! It was my first time getting over 100 pounds on something other then back squat! 

What is your favorite quote or words to live by?

  • “You are never to old to set another goal or to dream a new dream” C.S Lewis 

Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you.

  • I love to jam out to 2000 hip hop and R&B! 

What advice would you give to newbies?

  • Don’t be discouraged in your first week. CrossFit is a marathon not a sprint and just because you can’t get a move down perfectly the first time doesn’t mean you should give up. It takes time and practice! You will always continue to improve as long as you stay with it!