Mindset 2020 : Ode to April 2020
Ode to April 10, 2019 April tenth two-thousand nineteen, an important date because you were my focus, you were my aim, you were my initial
Mindset for 2020
Do what’s hard, because harder things are coming. You have to be ready. There’s too much awesome life to live not to!
Fun Lunch Ideas to Kickstart Your Week!
Now that summer is over, school is back in session and most of us are back into our normal routines, it’s time to re-kick that

5 End-of-Year Reflection Questions to Set You Up for 2020
“How is it already the end of the year?” If you’re thinking that, you’re far from alone. In this hustle, always-on culture, it’s easier than

Fighting Our Negative Emotions Does More Harm Than Good
When I’m overwhelmed, I often find myself telling anyone who’ll listen, “I’m so stressed. In fact, I’m stressed about being stressed.” Recognizing our emotions is
Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” – Unknown For years, I’ve wondered about my worth. It all started after

Before & After – Shut Up Eat Clean

How to bring PH balance through nutrition.
In recent years, we’ve learned that an acidic body is a breeding ground for health problems. Acidity has been linked to gastrointestinal disturbances, obesity, inflammation,

???Dont want a contract? ???
We have a 6 week jump start program that will get you building habits towards health and wellness. **included** 4 personal training sessions Foundations seminar